Arc Machines Inc is an established manufacturer of orbital welding equipment. Owned by ESAB, they are experts in the orbital welding machinery industry and are often considered the standard in quality. Ami orbital welding heads and power supplies are known for their lasting performance and consistent weld quality.

AMI welding machines are available for purchase or rental. Speak one of our orbital welding experts to find the best solution for your tube or pipe application.

AMI 217

AMI 217 / 217P Power Supply

The AMI Model 217 WDR is a cutting-edge 100/150A programmable GTAW Orbital Welding power supply. The 217 is designed to be used with all of AMI's orbital fusion weld heads....
AMI 207

AMI 207 Power Supply

The AMI Model 207 GTAW Power Supply offers exceptional welding capabilities in a compact and capable 100–150-amp package. This machine enables the production of high-integrity sanitary welds at the push...
AMI 8400

AMI 8 Series Weld Heads

The Model 8 series orbital weld heads offer consistent and repeatable fusion (TIG) welds for tubes, thin wall pipes, and fittings from 0.25" (6 mm) to 6.625" (168 mm) OD...
AMI Model 9-250

AMI 9 Series Weld Heads

The Model 9 series of AMI orbital welding heads are designed for fusion (TIG) welding of tube, pipe, fittings or other cylindrical components. Available in ten sizes and three versions,...

AMI Cooling Unit

The AMI Cooling Unit, also known as a water cooler, attaches to the base of an Arc Machines Power Supply and features a heavy-duty pump and a flow sensor. It's powered...
AMI Switch Box

AMI Dual Weld Head Controller

Do you require multiple weld heads for your orbital welding application? Do you need to simplify the weld head exchange calibration process or increase the number of welds your machine...
Arc Machines AMI Model 15 Open Weld Head on Stainless Steel Tube

AMI Model 15 Weld Head

The AMI Model 15 an open weld head system designed for field use on pipe. It offers robust radial and axial clearances, making it suitable for all sizes of pipes...
AMI 317 Power Supply Pipe

AMI Model 317

Introducing Arc Machine's newest orbital welding power source, the AMI Model 317. Experience the next generation in orbital welding technology. Designed for welders by welders. AMI has merged 40 years...

AMI Model 4-500 Weld Head

The AMI 4-500 weld head is a fully integrated orbital tube weld head with an available component support and position tooling plate. The Arc Machines Inc. (AMI) Model 4-500 weld head...
Open Faced Orbital Welder from AMI

AMI Model 52 Weld Head

Arc Machine's Model 52 is intended for all-position, automated welding of pipe, plate or fittings using the Cold or Hot Wire Feed GTAW (TIG) process. It is a rugged, precision...
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AMI 217 Power Supply-AMI Orbital Welding Equipment

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